Evaluarea externă periodică privind nivelul calităţii educaţiei oferite de către unitatea noastră de învăţământ a fost realizată pentru nivelurile preşcolar, pimar, gimnazial, liceal şi profesional.
Our students learn in hungarian due to our main sponsors: Communitas Foundation and Bethlen Gábor Alap.
In the past 10 years "Téglás Gábor" Theoretical High School has worked hard to achieve its goals. Due to this hard work and its fruitful results the high school was given The Honorary Award for the Hungarians from Abroad, on 19 August , the day of the national celebration. The award was handed by the deputy minister Semjén Zsolt in the Orszagház Delegáció room.
Quick Information
Student Number:
Deva, Str. Anemonelor 57A,
330055, jud. Hunedoara